Northwest Arkansas Weather.com is owned and operated privately and is not officially bound or affiliated with any federal agencies, or local agencies or any professional weather services, etc. Weather here is provided as is. It's a source of weather information at a local level and at times may not be accurate.

Northwest Arkansas Weather.com recommends use this website at your own risk and certainly do not use the data on this website to make life & death decisions! Your best source of information is the National Weather Service that covers your area of interest. As with anything else, common sense should prevail when making life & death decisions.

Whereas the Northwest Arkansas Weather.com website aim is to present the most accurate and up to date information, we take no responsibility for any decisions that users might make,
based on the contents of this site. Although the instruments on this website are maintained and calibrated regularly, the accuracy of the data is not guaranteed for scientific use. It is not reliable for aviation or navigational purposes. Before using information obtained from this website, special attention should be given to the date & time of the data and products being displayed.

The data this website provides may suffer from outages or errors from time to time. There can be many reasons for this, such as a network crash or a data feed from other sources via the Internet could have similar problems as well. As a convenience to website visitors, this website will provide links to other websites. These linked sites are not under the control of Northwest Arkansas Weather.com, and as such, Northwest Arkansas Weather.com is not responsible for their content.

Here at Northwest Arkansas Weather.com we take great pride in offering some of the best weather images, forecast and weather briefings available for free on the Internet to everyone in northwest Arkansas & around the world.

I hope you enjoy this website!


01 - 09/15/10 Website Log
05 - 09/22/10 - ADDED Arkansas Weather Statistics for 2010 TO THE HOME PAGE FOR A PERIOD
12 - 10/04/10 - ADDED THE "The Great Arkansas Hail Hunt" TO THE HOME PAGE
13 - 10/05/10 - TOSHIBA SERVER (PSATSVR-006002) UPDATE: Product has been shipped to the repair location. /WARRANTY/
14 - 10/10/10 - TOSHIBA SERVER (PSATSVR-006002) Status: Awaiting arrival of parts ordered from the manufacturer for repair. Depending on the supplier, parts arrival may take between three and ten days.
16 - 10/19/10 - TOSHIBA SERVER (PSATSVR-006002) Status: Replaced cooling fan system. Replaced Mother-Board. Replaced Display Screen. Product will be complete and ready for final inspection, then sent from the repair location to packaging by 10/20/10. Packing/Shipping may take between two and ten days. Estimated date of actual arrival is 10/29/10.
16 - 10/22/10 - TOSHIBA SERVER (PSATSVR-006002) Status: Replaced cooling fan system. Replaced Mother-Board. Replaced Display Screen. Product will be complete and ready for final inspection, then sent from the repair location to packaging by 10/20/10. Packing/Shipping may take between two and ten days. Estimated date of actual arrival is 10/26/10.
22 - 12/02/10 - HD- REGIONAL RADAR - Over the past couple days we have done a LOT of work on our radar "HD NEXRAD". Specifically we did more work on ground clutter filtering. It is not perfect, in some rare cases there may still be some ground clutter, but shy of having someone employed 24/7 to manually remove ground clutter, we feel this is some of the best automated ground clutter methodology available today. In the process of improving the ground clutter filtering, we were able to get the very weak echos from snow in very cold atmospheres to show up on the radar again, which was missing for some time in our first phase of ground clutter filtering. Additionally, we have further improved upon the precipitation type technology. We feel that it is so accurate that we have nearly eliminated the instances of mixed precipitation except in very rare cases
where it truely is a mix. The freezing rain areas may actually be more common which will show up as a dark purple. Mixed precip will show up as a lighter purple.
23 - 12/02/10 - CURRENT CONDITIONS - Current conditions have been improved as we found a bug in the system that was causing some erroneous data in the current conditions. We also added logic to filter out erroneous data and was even able to add MORE data.
24 - 02/26/11 - Will start the transition from "winter" to "spring" scenes on both Home Page & Climate Page. May look at adding additional radar products as the spring season approaches. Also...will be adding iPhone Application in the coming months.
25 - 03/08/11 - HP Server Hard Drive Crash/Failure (HP-01148-960689062) covered under /WARRANTY/. Website currently running in "back-up" mode. © 2008 - 2016 nwarwx.com - All Rights Reserved.
26 - 03/09/11 - Started redesign of the "Hazardous Wx Data" Page. Will remove "link" from tool bar & utilize or activate when hazardous is expected or present through the "Multi-Media Hazardous Weather Briefing Icon" that will be placed on the "Home page".
27 - 03/09/11 - Started upgrading radar products to include "Dual Polarization Radar Data ". More on this topic is coming.
28 - 03/09/11 - Started reconfiguration of the "Weather Discussion" Page. This page will be renamed "Weather Summary" page. This Page is currently updated at least twice daily. After reconfiguration...this page will be updated at least three or four times daily...under a new format as well.
29 - 03/14/11 - HP Server - Hard Drive Crash/Failure (HP-01148-960689062) covered under /WARRANTY/. Server has been sent to manufacturer for repair. Website currently running in "back-up" mode.
30 - 03/16/11 - HP Server - Hard Drive Crash/Failure...Plus Processor failure (HP-01148-960689062) covered under /WARRANTY/. Server has been sent to manufacturer for repair. This website continues to run in "back-up" mode.
31 - 03/22/11 - HP Server - Hard Drive Crash/Failure...Plus Processor failure (HP-01148-960689062) covered under /WARRANTY/. Repaired product was picked-up. Hard Drive was replaced. However...Server's "Processor" failed again on start-up "Recovery".
32 - 03/24/11 - HP Server - Processor failure (01148-960975849) covered under /WARRANTY/. Server has been sent to manufacturer for repair (AGAIN). This website continues to operate in "back-up" mode. Also note...since all products (servers) are running in "back-up mode"...expect occasional outages. Be sure to check the time and date of all products during this time.
33 - 04/03/11 - HP Server - Processor failure (01320-961127904) All or partially covered by Performance Service Plan /WARRANTY/. Product is complete and has been shipped from the repair location back to the owner. Depending on the type of product, shipping may take between two and three days. This website continues to operate in "back-up" mode. Also note...since all products (servers) are running in "back-up mode"...expect occasional outages. Be sure to check the time and date of all products during this time.
34 - 04/06/11 - HP SERVER (HP-01148-960689062) is now back online. This website has returned to "normal mode".
35 - 05/13/11 - Toshiba (big) Server down. Self inflected wound to display screen. Oh well, it's Friday the 13th & and covered under /WARRANTY/ In the process of sending off for repairs. Houston...will update with tracking info asap. Back...in "back-up mode"
36 - 05/14/11 - Toshiba Server-TSAT5U-106072 = Shipped (Product has been shipped from the store to the repair location. Depending on the type of product, shipping may take between two and seven days)
37 - 05/21/11 - Replaced Anemometer (WGR968) for current observations installed on 07/15/04 with new Anemometer (WGR968) installed 05/21/11.
product has been repaired (05-20-11). Product has been shipped from the repair location back to the owner (05-21-11). Depending on the type of product, shipping may take between two and seven days
39 - 05/26/11 - Toshiba Server-TSAT5U-106072 - Back online. Website = "Safe Mode" (see below)
40 - 05/26/11 - Past week storm system's took there toll on the surface observation/server equipment. This is while already running in backup mode at that time. Two lightning strikes (same night 5-24-11 - first around 10:48 pm - Second around 10:55 pm ) was the cause. Repairs/parts on order already in progress. Weather permitting...will begin repairs...starting the afternoon of May 28. Look for occasional outages/products not updating/available through Memorial Day. Surface observation data maybe erroneous at times. Also...be sure to check the time and date of all products during this time.
41 - 05/28/11 - Replaced 433MHZ Oregon Scientific Base Weather Station. Website = "Normal Mode"
42 - 06/02/11 - Started upgrading the Google Map Section. Then...will start Beta Testing...using the Google map section...in association with the Local Storm Reports.
43 - 06/07/11 - After receiving several request...considering expanding the areal coverage of this website into McDonald & Barry counties in southwest Missouri. This is under review/discussion as it would likely require a change of domain name.
44 - 06/10/11 - Toshiba Server-TSAT5U-106072 - Apparent Hard Drive Failure = Website switched to "Back-up Mode". Running Diagnostic attm.
45 - 06/16/11 - Toshiba Server-TSAT5U-106072 - Hard Drive Failure - Repaired locally & covered under /WARRANTY/. = Website "Back to Normal Mode".
46 - 07/21/11 - Reconstructed the "RADAR DATA" page. Will be adding the following radar images & loops.
1. Base Reflectivity 1
2. Base Velocity 1
3. Storm Relative Velocity 1
4. Echo Tops
5. Vertically Integrated Liquid
6. One Hour Rainfall
7. Storm Total Rainfall

Also...will be adding the capability of viewing these images from the following radar sites.
1. Fort Smith Arkansas
2. Tulsa (Inola) Oklahoma
3. Springfield Missouri

A Special thanks to Tim Hanko at Walker, MI Weather for his sharing of his radar image selection code which forms the basis for this script!
47 - 07/22/11 - Started using a new forecast icon set for the home page. A Special thanks to Tom at carterlake.org for sharing his icon set !
48 - 08/14/11 - Started reconstructing the "Local Storm Report" pages (See line 42 for more information)
49 - 09/03/11 - Updated "Home Page"
50 - 10/08/11 - Updated "Home Page"
51 - 10/16/11 - Updated "Weather Summary Page"
52 - 10/16/11 - Updated "Radar Data Page"
53 - 12/05/11 - Added Doppler Radar Precipitation Type Placefile to the "Tulsa Ok Radar Site" folder. This placefile will remain in this folder through April 2012. Thanks to Jeff @ MichiganWxSystem for creating this placefile.
55 - 12/22/11 - Redesigned most Public Information Safety Pages. This included Winter Weather, Severe Thunderstorm & Tornado Safety pages.
56 - 12/23/11 - Aquired additional acess to the full suite of the ECMWF Forecast Model for now. Thanks to Weather Underground. This has been about 40 years in waiting! :)
57 - 12/27/11 - Redesigned the "Home Page" for the "IPhone View" & faster "PC" loading. Still having issues with Safari & associated WeatherUnderground code. (rapid-fire)
58 - 12/27/11 - Several Major Upgrades will be coming in 2012 that will affect the "RADAR DATA" page. As mentioned back on line item #27 "Dual Polarization Radar Data " will be arriving in 2012 (http://www.roc.noaa.gov/WSR88D/PublicDocs/DualPol/DPDeployment080911r1_TC_WG.pdf ...also see... http://www.crh.noaa.gov/news/display_cmsstory.php?wfo=sgf&storyid=75589&source=0). In addition...my software provider has informed of a upgrade/new release of GRLevel3 V2.0 during late winter or early spring of 2012. So the bottom line here is...major changes may be on the horizion throughout 2012...as far as the radar data is viewed on this website ! More on this as 2012 rolls around.
59 - 12/28/11 - Basicly addressed the same issue as line item 57. Recoded the "Weather Summary Page" for the "IPhone View" (I.E Background not compatible with Safari).
Also added/moved the "Sky Condition" scroll from the "Home Page" over to the "Weather Summary Page".
60 - 02/17/12 - Dual Pol Upgrade on WSR-88D radar at Springfield Missouri is complete. GRLevel3 V2.0 (Dual Pol) upgrade for Radar Data Page is on hold until further notice. Per...www.grlevelx.com/owners/
61 - 02/18/12 - Applied "meta" code to appropriate web pages so they will automatically "refresh" or display the current image. "Refresh or update" times vary between 4 to 20 minutes. No more "clicking" the refresh button!!!
62 - 02/23/12 - An update to the regional radar is coming soon, with 6 minute updates, full nexrad resolution on a national scale, ground clutter filtering, precipitation type identification and more.
63 - 04/04/12 - This is updating line item #58...Dual Polarization Radar Data Upgrade. Since our main radar site(s) (KSRX & KINX) will not be upgraded to Dual Polarization until September 2012...I plan on placing the upgrade to bentonvillearweather.com "radar data" page to Dual Polarization on "hold" until late fall or early winter 2012. (this will likely require a new/additional server...ouch!!)
64 - 04/04/12 - Updated/added "SCIT" (storm cell identification tracking) V1.3.0 to the "radar data" page. A special thanks goes out to jwyman @ Southern Maryland Weather for developing & sharing his software.
65 - 04/04/12 - Will be installing/adding GEMPAK software over the next week to use on bentonvillearweather.com. GEMPAK is a suite of applications for the decoding, analysis, display and diagnosis of weather data. GEMPAK provides a comprehensive set of meteorological parameter calculations for surface, upper-air, gridded, and remotely sensed data. Would like to say thanks to rdale @ Skywatch Services for this application software.
66 - 04/21/12 - Added RUC MODEL RUN Ver 1.3 Sounding for Fayetteville Arkansas to the Weather Summary Page. A special thanks goes out to jwyman @ Southern Maryland Weather for developing & sharing his script for this useful information.
67 - 04/29/12 - HP Server - Hard Drive Crash/Failure (HP-01148-960689062) covered under /WARRANTY/. Server has been sent to manufacturer for repair. Website currently running in "back-up" mode. The "Home & Radar Data Pages will be most affected by this outage. Outage expected to last through at least 05/16/12.
68 - 05/05/12 - Warranty replaced with new HP Server. Server back online. Website = "Normal Mode"
69 - 06/13/12 - AT&T is installing fiber optic telecommunication U-verse lines today.
70 - 06/17/12 - With line 69 now completed...Will begin transisation/upgrading the "Radar Data Page" to Dual Pol. The schedule completion date is October 2012.
71 - 07/13/12 - Redesigned the "HOME" page based on viewers suggestions.
72 - 07/13/12 - Will be using "Stardock" weather images. Would like to say thanks to http://www.stardock.com for the use of the weather images.
73 - 08/04/12 - I would like to say a special "thanks" to GRLevelXMods By Derek @ http://grlevelxmods.co.cc for the opportunity to run a beta program.
74 - 08/11/12 - Started trail preiod for PrimaSoft Auto FTP/conflicts...issues using GR3 FTP
75 - 08/11/12 - Due to the issue on line 74...will begin the transition of phasing out GR3 & move toward the Dual Polarization Radar Data Upgrade for GR3v2. This was on the agenda for September 2012 anyway due to KSRX & KINX upgrade to Dual Pol at that time.
76 - 11/02/12 - Added new RSS Watch, Warning & Advisory Script V1.0
77 - 12/09/12 - Coming/starting January 01, 2013..Newton County Arkansas will be added to the coverage/discussion/forecast area of bentonvillearweather.com.
78 - 01/18/13 - Radar Data - Will be updating the radar software to GRLevel V2.10 - January 19 & 20 2013.
79 - 02/15/13 - Will be updating to V2.5.5 of F5 Data starting today. Nice new features with this update.
80 - 03/28/13 - Added software for the ability to better produce all kinds of real-time & forecast graphics.
81 - 04/23/13 - Will be updating F5 software to V2.6.4 today.
82 - 05/25/13 - I would like to say a special "thanks" to Bryant at AlmanyDesigns.com ( http://www.AlmanyDesigns.com ) for the latest bentonvillearweather.com "logos" he has provided.
83 - 05/26/13 - Started to decommission use of "FlashVortex.com" (decommission will be complete by 07/19/13)
84 - 08/25/13 - Started a trial version of the 7 to 14 day forecast graphic. Baseline forecast data is driven from the "GFS" Forecast Model...using F5 software.
85 - 09/29/13 - Became a EuroWX member today. bentonvillearweather.com now has the ability (& back-up) to use the European Center for Medium range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) forecast model software.
86 - 10/19/13 - Rebuilding the "Archived Climatological Reports" section due to action taken back on line 83.
87 - 11/17/13 - Upgraded the UI for the "frontpage"
88 - 12/28/13 - Added the ability for the V1.1 RSS Watch, Warning & Advisory Script to Web Based Watch/Warning/Advisory Map Colors http://www.nws.noaa.gov/wwamap-prd/faq.php
89 - 03/07/14 - Added "local cities weather forecast" to the weather briefing page.
90 - 03/07/14 - Added "this day in weather history" to the weather briefing page.
91 - 03/07/14 - Added "temperature extremes around the lower 48 U.S. to the weather briefing page.
92 - 03/23/14 - Switching frontpage & weather briefing pages to summer UI display mode around 3-30-14.
93 - 04/09/14 - Added RSS feed V1.0 to website
94 - 04/10/14 - Will be running the currently in use "RSS Watch, Warning & Advisory Server V2.0 in tandum...as we transition to our new server "nws-alerts V3.0" which is currently being brought online.
95 - 04/11/14 - A significant GUI upgrade (last GUI installment was line 57) to the frontpage was completed this week.
96 - 04/11/14 - Will be replacing the "hand-drawn" 7 day forecast with a NWS script 4 day forecast (driven from the ktul nws)
97 - 04/20/14 - Add a script to the bottom of both KSRX 50 & 125 mile radar pages to indicate whether the site was actually up & active, Data not recent or No Data.
98 - 05/17/14 - Added ATMOGRAPH ModelVis Professional to the tool belt.
100 - 06/01/14 - IFR satellite imagery has increased contrast & an alpha transparency making the whole image slightly transparent so you can better see terrain & water color underneath the imagery. Infrared & water vapor are now color enhanced.
101 - 07/01/14 - Switched the weather planner to the new NWS Icon set.
102 - 07/01/14 - Reintroduced "Audio Weather Statement" to the front/home page.
103 - 09/01/14 - Added AllisonHouse Maps to the bentonvillearweather.com tool belt.
104 - 11/24/14 - Updated OpenStreetMap shapefiles for the Radar Data. The shapefiles were downloaded from GeoFabrik in November 2014. Thanks to http://www.meteor.iastate.edu/~slincoln/ & W. Scott Lincoln.
105 - 11/29/14 - Will be replacing line 96 with a "in-house" forecast driven script & will no longer utilize the nws ktul forecast script. Future plans are in the works to purchase our own "in-house" weather forecasting model in 2015.
106 - 01/24/15 - Implementation of "new" in-house forecast model. bentonvillearweather.com is working towards implementing our own in-house weather forecast model. As of 01/24/15...I am announcing the implementation of "TWXM2015" The Local Forecast System (LFS) model output...effective on or about March 01, 2015.
107 - 01/31/15 - TWXM2015 has arrived...installed & currently in operation. TWXM2015 will run over the next 2 to 4 weeks gather data & building a profile. TWXM2015 will be commissioned or brought online for forecast guidance use on or about March 01, 2015. TWXM2015 will produce hourly forecast model runs...up to 7 days out...for Northwest Arkansas only. TWXM2015 Forecast Model runs will start at :10 minutes after each hour and complete or end near :25 minutes after each hour. Forecast model output will be uploaded and made available online by :30 minutes after each hour a model run(s) is produced.
109 - 02/21/15 - TWXM2015 Model Runs will be produced as follows:
HP Server TWXM2015 LRC Model will produce runs every 3 hours.I.E. 02Z, 05Z, 08Z, 11Z, 14Z, 17Z, 20Z & 23Z GMT
TOSHIBA Server TWXM2015 RRC Model will produce runs every hour. (when needed)I.E. 00Z, 03Z, 09Z, 12Z, 15Z, 18Z & 21Z GMT
110 - 03/05/15 - TWXM2015 Weather Forecast Model has been commissioned & is fully operational.
111 - 03/14/15 - Added the latest "Sounding" information for Bentonville Arkansas to the Weather Briefing Page. This sounding & other forecast soundings are being created by bentonvillearweather.com own in-house TWXM2015 Weather Forecast Model.
112 - 03/15/15 - Added "Wind" Forecast for the entire 7 Day Weather Forecast. The wind forecast is being created by bentonvillearweather.com own in-house TWXM2015 Weather Forecast Model.
113 - 03/30/15 - Starting April 01, 2015 HP TWXM2015 will be produced weather forecast model runs every 2 hours as follows:
00Z, 02Z, 04Z, 06Z, 08Z, 10Z, 12Z, 14Z, 16Z, 18Z, 20Z & 22Z CST
01Z, 03Z, 05Z, 07Z, 09Z, 11Z, 13Z, 15Z, 17Z, 19Z, 21Z & 23Z CDT
114 - 04/25/15 - Added "Jasper Arkansas" as a forecast point for TWXM2015 Forecast Model. Current forecast points/locations being created by bentonvillearweather.com own in-house TWXM2015 Weather Forecast Model are Bentonville & Jasper. Additional forecast points/locations are expected to be added later in 2015 or early 2016. Tentative additional forecast points/locations being consider are Blue Eye Arkansas & Evansville Arkansas.
115 - 05/25/15 - Will begin reconstruction of all "Radar Data" Products. Will be adding new menus & products. This page was last updated 06/17/12.
116 - 06/23/15 - "Radar Data" page update is complete.
117 - 07/04/15 - Amended from line 111; Added the latest "Sounding" information for Bentonville & Jasper Arkansas to the Radar Data Page...under "Additional Weather Information" menu. This sounding & other forecast soundings are being created by bentonvillearweather.com own in-house TWXM2015 Weather Forecast Model.
118 - 09/02/15 - Significant GUI upgrade (last GUI upgrade was 06/17/12) to the Satellite Data page. Upgrade should be complete by Labor Day.
119 - 12/05/15 - Due to broken links associated with host server upgrade...recreated a new GUI TOU/Disclaimer
120 - 12/10/15 - Added SimuAWIPS.
121 - 12/24/15 -Starting January 01, 2016 TWXM2015 will be produced weather forecast model runs as follows:
HP Server TWXM2015 LRC Model will produce runs at 10Z, 11Z, 17Z, & 23Z GMT
HP Server TWXM2015 SRC Model will produce runs at 07Z, 12Z, 13Z, 14Z, 15Z, 16Z, 17Z, 18Z, 19Z, 20Z, 21Z, 23Z, 00Z, 01Z, 02Z & 03Z GMT
122 - 12/30/15 - Repaired all known broken links observed/reported associated with host server upgrade.
123 - 03/09/16 - Special thanks to Curly for the Local Storm Report (LSR) script.
124 - 03/11/16 - Special thanks to Curly for the Local Storm Report (LSR) Archive script.
125 - 03/19/16 - A Major GUI & Template Upgrade (last GUI upgrade installment was line 95) has started. This template design is by CarterLake.org with PHP conversion by Saratoga-Weather.org. Special thanks go to Kevin Reed at TNET Weather for his work on the original Carterlake templates, and his design for the common website PHP management. Special thanks to Mike Challis of Long Beach WA for his wind-rose generator, Theme Switcher and CSS styling help with these templates. Special thanks go to Ken True of Saratoga-Weather.org for the AJAX conditions display, dashboard and integration of the TNET Weather common PHP site design for this site.Template is originally based on Designs by Haran.
126 - 03/19/16 - Frontpage (height) resolution has been increased. Added new AJAX current conditions to frontpage.
127 - 04/17/16 - Purchased a Davis 6153 - Wireless Vantage Pro2 with 24-Hour Fan Aspirated Radiation Shield Weather Station - Sensor Upgrades - which replaces the fully operational Oregon Scientific WMR968 that was commissioned into service 08/05/04. The Davis 6153 is expected to be commissioned into service within 30 to 45 days.
128 - 04/23/16 - Frontpage or Home Page (width) resolution has been increased.
129 - 05/01/16 - The new Davis 6153 - Wireless Vantage Pro2 with 24-Hour FARS Weather Station is to be commissioned into service, replacing OS WMR968
130 - 05/05/16 - Added "Flight Tracker" flightradar24 software/link.
131 - 05/05/16 - Added "NWS Surface Analysis & Forecast Weather Charts.
132 - 05/05/16 - Added "Experimental NWS Model Output".
133 - 06/17/16 - Switching IP Host providers since Aabaco Small Business (Yahoo) seems to totally lack the required knowledge & skills of PHP.
134 - 07/01/16 - Launched nwarwx.com server thanks to ICDSoft.com
135 - 07/15/16 - Added "Daily Records".
136 - 07/18/16 - Added "River & Lake Heights".
137 - 07/15/16 - Added "Daily Records"
138 - 07/23/16 - "NWS Alerts" now updates every 30 seconds.
139 - 07/23/16 - Added "USA & World Extremes"
140 - 08/03/16 - Updated Storm Reports Page to php
141 - 08/04/16 - A small NWS website change for the NEXRAD radar status reporting URL necessitated a change in the radar-status script to V1.11
142 - 09/04/16 - Added RSS Weather News Feed (Bata & Trail Edition)
143 - 09/25/16 - Removed RSS Weather News Feed (Bata & Trail Edition). Currently not https friendly.
144 - 09/25/16 - Switch nwarwx.com from HTTP to HTTPS and established a significantly more secure version of Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure.
145 - 12/20/16 - nwarwx.com is now Mobile Friendly.
146 - 01/18/17 - Added additional Storm Tracking Software from Mods for GRX & Southern Maryland Weather Team.
147 - 03/12/17 - Added Weather Display from Brian Hamilton in New Zealand. This now supports the current conditions dashboard, running in tandem with my existing (since 2004) Virtual Weather Station. Weather Display is an awesome product & is recommended.
148 - 04/11/17 - Purchased a back-up Davis 6153 Wireless Vantage Pro2 with 24-Hour Fan Aspirated Radiation Shield.
149 - 05/03/17 - Purchased/added an additional (ACER) server/work station to nwarwx.com array. Total 7 servers/work stations. 1-Toshiba. 1-Dell. 2-Hewlett Packard(s). 3-Acers.
150 - 06/28/17 - Will be adding a second AT&T fiber optic telecommunication U-verse line on 06/30/17. (additional to line 69)
151 - 07/23/17 - Upgraded Shapefile (to display more-new roads) for WSR - 88D Level III Radar Information
152 - 09/10/17 - Upgraded Server PHP Version from 5.6 to 7.1
153 - 09/24/17 - Added Northwest Arkansas Webcams thanks to www.webcams.travel
154 - 10/01/17 - Switched navigation menu from the side bar(s) display to the flyout display.
155 - 11/01/17 - Added an additional F5 Server License.
156 - 12/13/17 - Added Heat Data Information for Bentonville Arkansas .
157 - 01/01/18 - Updated Satellite Page to GOES-16 Satellite Imagery. Special thanks to Tom Whittaker & SELincoln Weather
158 - 03/17/18 - Currently in the process of updating the PHP7 interpreter on this server. PHP 7.1 will be replaced with PHP 7.4. HP 7.4 is the latest PHP branch. After extensive testing, it is considered to be ready for use in our production environment. The update to PHP 7.4 will occur on Thursday, March 22, 2018
159 - 05/22/18 - Added GOES-16 East Satellite Loop Image Viewer to the Front-Page. Animation by HAniS ©2014-2018 by Tom Whittaker. Special thanks to SELincoln Weather for the script.
160 - 09/13/18 - AT&T is installing fiber optic telecommunication. Old Download speed 6.00Mb/s - Upload speed 0.50Mb/s .... New Download speed 50.00Mb/s - Upload speed 12.00Mb/s
161 - 03/05/19 - Added the ability for GOES-17 West Satellite Loop Image Viewer to be displayed on my Front (or Home) Page.
162 - 03/16/19 - Replaced (New) Animater as last wind storm indicated wear at speeds at or below 5 mph.
163 - 02/07/20 - Get It On App Store & Google Play, The Northwest Arkansas Weather.com Newly Launched App.
164 - 08/28/20 - Replaced (Lenovo) server/work station to nwarwx.com array. Total 8 servers/work stations. 1-Toshiba. 1-Dell. 3-Hewlett Packard(s). 1-Lenovo. 2-Acer(s)
165 - 05/11/21 - Decommissioned Toshiba Server-TSAT5U-106072
166 - 05/12/21 - Commissioned Lenovo-two (Replaced Toshiba Server-TSAT5U-106072) Total 6 servers/work stations = Hewlett Packard=2 / Lenovo=2 / Acer=2 /
167 - 11/09/21 - NWARWX.COM IPhone App & Google Play App will decommission and discontinued sometime in early 2022.
168 - 12/18/21 - NWARWX.COM has decommission and discontinued Northwest Arkansas Audio Weather.
169 - 12/23/21 - NWARWX.COM has decommission and discontinued the Area Weather Summary Text product for Northwest Arkansas.
170 - 12/24/21 - NWARWX.COM will commission a Area Weather Summary Graphic Product for Northwest Arkansas associated with the Weather Outlook Graphic listed under Weather Highlights starting around January 1st, 2022.
171 - 01/26/22 - Recommissioned Toshiba Server-TSAT5U-106072 for the purpose of collecting/viewing/analyzing RAOB data.
172 - 02/12/22 - NWARWX.COM has decommission and discontinued the Forecast Text product for Northwest Arkansas.
173 - 03/01/22 - NWARWX.COM WSR-88D Weather Radar User Interface is been Upgraded to Version 4.
174 - 04/01/22 - Upgraded Server from PHP Version 7.4 to PHP Version 8.1.3. This was a major update and time consuming script and image revisions. Starting in the Fall of 2021 thru early Spring 2022.
173 - 07/06/22 - The F5Data data feed has been decommission as of July 6, 2022. Due to evolving technologies, F5Data has come to it's 'END OF LIFE' after 14 years.
174 - 09/07/22 - Starting September 07, 2022; Boone County Arkansas will be added to the coverage/discussion/forecast area of nwarwx.com
174 - 04/06/24 - Minor GUI/UI Update.
175 - 01/03/25 - De commissioned Acer-Destop - Currently 4 servers/work stations = / Hewlett Packard / Lenovo-1 / Lenovo-2 / Toshiba /
175 - 01/14/25 - Updated/Upgraded GUI/UI.
